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Interdisciplinary Writing

Interdisciplinary Writing: Work

Annotated Bibliography: Surveying the Landscape of Writing in Psychology

This is an annotated bibliography of seven different published psychology journal articles on a variety of topics all relating to psychological well-being. The purpose of this assignment was to conduct research about writing in the psychology research discourse community in order to determine how and why genres and discourse communities exist.


Letter of Advocacy: Distracted Driving

This letter of advocacy was part of an argumentative essay written during my first semester Freshman year. I shortened it down so it could be published in the Old, Gold, and Black student newspaper. In the letter, I write to Wake Forest students about the dangers of distracted driving. This text aids my writing development by constantly reminding me that I should never doubt whether or not my writing is worthy of an audience.

Image by Omar Al-Ghossen

Comparative Analysis of Psychology Writing

I wrote this comparative analysis for my Academic Research and Writing course during my junior year of college. In the text, I examine the patterns and conventions that characterize a genre and consider how they help the discourse community achieve their goals.

Image by Markus Winkler
Interdisciplinary Writing: Work

Travel Writing: The City of The Dead

I wrote this personal narrative for a Travel Writing course I took while studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. As you read this piece you will be transported to Frederiksberg Cemetery where you will meet Peter Hyldekjaer, a retired librarian, world traveler, father, grandfather, and tour guide. You will learn about cultural differences and the beauty of unconventional practices. This piece demonstrates my passion for travelling and storytelling.

Image by Wendy Scofield
Interdisciplinary Writing: Work

Repurposed Paper: A Genuine Apology

This op-ed piece of an examination of what makes for a good genuine apology versus a bad apology, which I repurposed from a formal political communication research paper. This paper demonstrated my knowledge of different genres and audiences.

political interview
Interdisciplinary Writing: Work
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